Oliver Raabe Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Secretary general and shareholder of iS-engineering GmbH
Since 2006 by IHK Wiesbaden publicly appointed and sworn expert for constructive engineering: roof, wall and floor elements in lightweight metal construction
Since 2017 Member of SVA (Sachverständigenausschuss) at DIBt (Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik, Berlin) "Kunststoffbau - Sandwich - B2"
Since 2009 Consultant engineer of Ingenieurkammer Hessen (IngKH)
Since 1990 civil enginner - structural engineer (stress analyst)
Since 1985 construction draftsman
Member of NABau (Normenausschuss Bauwesen, esp. Spiegelausschüsse) at DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung) on the series of standards EN 1090-4, EN 1090-5, EN 1993-7, EN 14509, ISO 17880
Member of TC (Technical Comitees) of CEN (Comité Européen de Normalisation = Europäisches Komitee für Normung) on the series of standards EN 1090-4 and -5 (TC 135/WG14), EN 14509 (all parts) (TC 128/SC11/WG1), EN 1993-7 (TC 250/SC3/WG21)
Member of ISO (International Standard Organisation) in the Working Group for ISO 17880 (ISO TC61 SC10 WG10)
Member of workgroup TQM (Total Quality Management), Anwendungstechnik and Technische Grundlagen, Grün and Qualitätsausschuß (Obmann) at IFBS
Member of workgroup DIN 1055/DIN EN 1090 resp. DIN EN 1991 and of WG DIN 20000 at IFBS
Independent Expert for Evaluation for Panels at EPAQ (European Quality Assurance Association for Panels and Profiles)
Member of workgroup "Good practice" and "Composite slabs" at EPAQ/ppa-Europe (European Association for Panels and Profiles)
Quality inspector by order of IFBS
e-mail: oliver.ol.raabe (at) sandwichsst@technik.com
phone: +49 (0) 6151 / 870 33 -11 |